Yeah, thanks a lot, I feel kind of like I need a bath. Yesterday went to Ikea in Burbank after my presentation and meeting earlier in the day. As I walked passed a guy he breathed.."Beautiful woman." How do you respond to that? What kind of response did he Ikea? Was he expecting a response or was it just a compliment. I quietly said thank you as I avoided I contact to focus on the object that brought me passed him in the first place. I looked around later but didn't see anyone that looked like the guy. I wouldn't have been able to pick him out in a line up anyhow. I don't have a clue as to what he actually looked like. Maybe I missed my big chance. But somehow I don't think so.
I have two customers that regularly flatter me with compliments about my looks. I feel awkward--again what do they expect? It's not that I don't have high enough self-esteem to think that they are dead wrong. I don't think that I am a Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie but I would guess that I have at least average looks. Last March I wrote about Weirdar. It seems that a lot has not changed in the past year.
Here is the burning question that has me writing tonight. Why doesn't someone that I would actually like to tell me these things ever do? Are my expectations too high? Do only guys that I think are unsuitable for me think that I am attractive and desirable? Is this just some kind of cosmic joke on me? Ha Ha...thanks very much. Yes, it has been far too long since my last date. And no there are no prospects outside of married library patrons and random guys in Ikea. Real funny. I am dying of laughter here. I think I might need stitches soon.
Ok, no more movies with Russel Crowe for me in a while and I should probably stay away from the upcoming X-man movie.
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