Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Some days happen all day long

I should have known what the day had in store for me when I tore my fresh out of the box pantyhose this morning. Not just a simple run that a little nail polish could patch but a significant rip that meant I spent $5.99 for a contorsionist act, 30 seconds of wear, and the sad realization that I would have to shimmy myself into another pair. Damn! I can imagine that the Oracle of Delphi would find pantyhose a suitable substitution for enviserated birds, if she were in practice today.

I checked first thing in the morning to see if Mattress Man was still living behind the library. Yep, still there. I entered the library to find that copy machine out of order with the a self-check out machine following suit. It took the copy guy about 2 hours to decide that he needed a part he didn't have and the check-out machine guy hadn't shown up. My staff meeting was interupted before it ever started with a call from region wondering were I was for my 11:00 interview. Damn! I had it scheduled for Thursday!

I returned from the interview with the news that we wouldn't be hiring the candidate that everyone thinks is a nice guy. I had a ten minute lunch and a hand full of Hershey Kisses to steady my nerves. The staff meeting happened. Only, we came out of it to a report that the police and paramedics had just been called. What?!? With relief I heard that nothing had actually happened in the library. Rather a young guy that had staggered in the library with the story that he just crashed his bike when a car clipped his wheel. Within minutes the lobby was swarming with men in uniform. (Wait, that was the highlight of the day--wow they hire them good looking!). The kid was taken away on the stretcher leaving me to deal with getting his bike secured and writing up the required Security Incident Report.

Next comes, a customer complaint about a part-time staff member, the ensuing coaching, and decision to release her from up above. Not the first complaint by a long shot, I just got the pleasure of metting out finality to it. One week on the job and I am already pink slipping employees. It's tough being the bad cop sometimes. I want to be the good cop, sometimes!

I looked up at the clock and blessedly it said 5:00. I got in my car and enjoyed a quite ride home up the hill. Next time I rip my pantyhose, I am calling in sick!

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