Thursday, January 8, 2009

8 Days and Counting

I haven't had a Dr. Pepper since December 30th. I entirely wanted to drink a Dr. Pepper on New Year's Eve but with the AT&T Hassle I ended up missing my Dr. Pepper Window of Opportunity. My New Year's Resolution--one of a stack of them--is to give up sugar--mostly. What that means is that I can have sugar if the primary product is healthy. For example, I know that my oatmeal packets have sugar in them but they are OK because on the whole they're healthy--maybe. Ditto to Asian food. What doesn't fall into the the mostly healthy category no matter how I might try to massage it are Dr. Peppers, catsup (that means giving up french fries, too), cakes, cookies and candy. I did really enjoy my bag of Cheetos last week, like no-one's business (I looked--no sugar).
On Monday I went into the break room and found a cake, a box of donuts, a container of cookies, a bowl of candy and a coconut cream pie. We often have dangerous sabotaging stuff hanging around in the break room but this was the first time such a cornucopia of sugar was arrayed. I looked longingly at the pie, turned on my heels and had a banana. Not quiet as satisfying to the taste buds but the kudos earned for the self-confidence and willpower, very worthwhile.

1 comment:

Karen said...

No Dr. Pepper or ketchup... Wow, that's willpower. You go girl!