Monday, January 3, 2011

Goals for 2011

I am refraining from the word Resolution because, I always think of the Japanese phrase Mikakan bozu which roughly translates into a Three Day Saint. I don't want these goals to spiral down the drain before the week is out.
My first goal is to lower my cholestorol. Right now it is freakishly high and I have been prescribed some very scary medicine to lower it. I would prefer not to need the meds. The only way this is going to happen is if I radically change my diet into one that includes more than fat and sugar as the major food groups. One that I take the time to think about.
My second goal is to get out of the funk that I have been in for longer than I care to remember. This is of course tied to the first goal because when I feel bad about myself, I abuse my body by eating the wrong food, not excercising and spiraling down deeper into the funk. No more of this self-abusive behavior. Just good things for me.
My third goal also tied into with the above to, is to exercise more. The better I eat, the more I move, the better I feel about myself. That is all there is to it.
My fourth goal is to make KISS--Keep It Simple, Sexy--my mantra. I chose to substitute Stupid for Sexy because my final goal: Number 5 is to end a lot of the self-abusive running interal dialog. For obvious reasons Stupid just doesn't jive. I like Sexy better anyhow.
What have I done to prepare for this. First to get myself out of my rut, I decided to get a simple-easy-to-take-care-of haircut. I cut about 10 inches off. I used Emma Watson's new haircut as a guide. Then to jazz me up a bit--I went ultra-blonde. I have never been ultra-blonde. But I was a blonde once upon a time, so I thought that I could probably carry it off. So here I am doing a double take in the mirror now. But that is good. I have been taking the time to put make up on--which is something I forwent for a while on my days off. Heck, even a shower on my days off was a stretch--that is how far gone I was.
Second, I have cleared a lot more of my extras out. I am getting rid of everything--well most everything--that I don't use on a regular basis. Keeping it Simple, Sexy--I have gotten rid of most of my notebooks--I am a paper addict. It is true. Show me a cute notebook and I covet, I want those fresh blank pages of possiblity. So I have kept one at home and one at work and that is it. No more!! No more buying fresh possiblities--I need to create them for myself.

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