Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Joys of Management

I don't know why I enjoy managing but I do. I don't have any delusions of being a fantastic manager but I don't think I am the Pointy Haired Boss on Dilbert either but am willing to admit that some people may disagree. It isn't always easy to make those tough decisions. Here is the type of employee I want, I want someone that is on time, has creative ideas, works diligently, and does not call in sick.

I have never been one to call in sick unless I am physically unable to get out of bed. In all the years I taught, I only had to reschedule classes two times due to illness--food poisoning and a severe throat infection with a high fever. I used 12 hours of sick time last year when the doctor told me I couldn't go to work. So I don't really expect people to be exactly like me but it does mean that I don't quite have the sympathy that people might hope for. I am the one that is always having to cover the extra work that people leave when they are out. It is not easy to constantly rearrange schedules and adjust duties. I mean if you are sick, then stay home. But if you are often sick and can't come to work, go to the doctor to find out what is wrong with you.

Sometimes, as a manager you have to make the tough decisions to try to coach someone into a stronger performance. I mostly just want to hide and ignore performance problems. I hate confrontations. I just wish that everyone was a strong employee that had all the elements and didn't need a lot of coaching and directing. But, alas, that is not the case. Maybe it is just me and I expect too much. I don't know. That's enough today.

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