Friday, September 26, 2008

My New Pet Peeve

Ok, so I am not so happy unless I have something to bitch about. This one has been growing on me for a while. I absolutely hate being called Sweetie. It is like fingernails on a chalk board to me. My first thought is to say "I'm not sweet, I am mean and bristly." But why do people insist on calling perfect adult strangers Sweetie? In April when I moved out of my apartment the secretary called me Sweetie every time I had to call. Then in the new apartment building the employee that rubbed completely the wrong way called me the same said moniker. Is it just me? Do I look cute and cuddly to these people? Do I look like a Sweetie? I really don't think so because I am often accused by other people as appearing to be stuck up and aloof...but maybe in a very adorable sweet way.
On Wednesday, I went to California Pizza Kitchen for a late lunch. The waitress said, "Here's the menu Sweetie." Then "Oh, that is a good choice Sweetie." and "Can I get you anything else Sweetie?" and "Are you doing OK, Sweetie?" and finally, "Did you want to speak to manager Sweetie?" In fact I did. After the 3rd Sweetie, my tolerance had been pegged. I am a 42 year old woman and do not need to have my mean constantly interrupted with a diminutive that should be reserved for very small children and intimates. I spoke with the manager and explained that I felt insulted and that although the food was fine, I did not intend to leave a tip. Actually the tip had diminished from my standard 20% to zero with each sweetie. I felt I needed to explain that although some people may not mind being calling Sweetie very few middle age women truly appreciate it from unknown waitstaff.
Afterward, I had to define exactly who in my mind could actually call me Sweetie. My parents were never ones to use such endearments with me. My parents had their own nicknames for my brothers, each other and me. Sweetie never came up in our household, for anyone. Except perhaps my older brother's doll when he was a kid--I think she was called Sweetie, but that was her name, right. My hackles probably wouldn't get too raised if a customer decided to call me sweetie--if they happened to be an older man or woman. A similarly aged man or woman might get a raised eyebrow, but hey they are the customer and their tax dollars keep me fed, clothed, and otherwise off the street--I believe I am fairly tolerant. I haven't had any boyfriends call me Sweetie although one called me Sweet Pea quite a bit. When Tim called me that my heart sort of swelled and swooned--but then I had fallen much harder and faster for this guy that most of time I thought I was drugged when I was around him. I have had a couple of friends use Sweetie with me but mostly I felt that they were during appropriate situations--like when I was going through withdrawals from the aforementioned Tim, or my Dad passed away, or something equally awful and I was in serious need of consoling.
So essentially what I am saying is that Sweetie is fine as long as it is in the appropriate context from the appropriate people. I would never assume familiarity with a customer and use a diminutive with them so I expect the same treatment from other people. Is that really too much to ask?

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