Tuesday, February 24, 2009

This Much I Know is True...

It does not bode well for a good day, if you arrive at work to find three squad cars parked in front of your doors and men sitting in the backseat of two of them. That is how my day started. Apparently, the two men tried to have a wrestling match in the computer area. What prevented them was my diminutive retired librarian that temps on Tuesday and Wednesday. She had to get between them not once but three times before they calmed down. Geez. I understand that both of them wanted to use the computers to apply for jobs and perhaps the stress of times got to them, but in a library.

So the first part of my day was dealing with paperwork on the incident. Fortunately, the altercation didn't get out of hand and no one was actually injured. They appearantly really were wrestling and not throwing punches.

Days like this always make me chuckle when people tell me that they always wanted to work in a library where it is peaceful and quiet and you get paid to read. Hmm...doesn't seem like any libraries I know.

Oh, yeah, The Poopster struck again yesterday. Apparently every month or so, someone decides to poop on the men's restroom floor. This requires calls to get it cleaned up and shutting down the restroom. Fortunatately, I am not expected to clean it up myself or task any of my staff to do it for me.

Well, I guess it has been one of those weeks so far.

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